UNL transformed into a skills development center for engineers
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In line with strengthening the teaching, evaluation and recognition of engineering teachers, the National University of Loja (UNL) is a key player in the European Union’s “Capacity Building and Recognition of Ecuadorian Engineering Educators” (EENTITLE) project, which is investing one million euros in our country to create professional development centers. The first teachers from the Loja-based university received their international professional registration in order to be able to train.
EENTITLE is a transformative project that analyzes a specific problem in a country in order to propose solutions that must then be implemented by government entities. In the case of Ecuador, the aim was to give recognition to the performance of teachers in engineering, for which it was established: to diagnose their conditions and verify the needs that require strengthening, training centers; and, their international recognition.
José Carlos Quadrado, president of the Network of Educators for Professional Development (ENTER Network), said that they collaborate with the diagnosis and registration of a profession, while EENTITLE develops capacities and recognizes engineering educators to improve their teaching and evaluation mechanisms, promoting excellence in teaching and in the development of competences to seek international recognition with access to free and direct training in an initiative of the European Union.
There will be a training center in each region of the country; in Zone 7, the UNL receives around 100,000 euros to establish a center and execute the project that will receive teachers from other universities. Currently, the Loja Alma Máter is in the phase of diagnosis and identification of the capacities of the teachers and plans to inaugurate its Competence Development Center at the end of 2025, and start training in 2026.
In Latin America, two transformative projects of the European Union are being implemented, of which only one is approved each year; in Ecuador, the UNL also participates in the project “Transformation and Improvement of Learning of Ecuadorian Educators” (ETALENT) which, through a system of evaluation, development and professional recognition, provides new program opportunities for other professions.
In EENTITLE, the UNL participates together with the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, the Universidad Nacional de Milagro, the Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, and the Corporación Ecuatoriana para el Desarrollo de la Investigación y la Academia, in alliance with the Instituto Técnico de Porto, the Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Vigo.
- Home to a professional development center.
- 100,000 euros in non-refundable funding.
- 400 Ecuadorian teachers will benefit from the project.