What we do
EENTITLE is a partnership focused on transformation in higher education institutions, by introducing a new complex and innovative model of development, evaluation and recognition of engineering educators based on a transfer of best European experience, competencies and good practices with a range of interconnected activities that aim at strengthening the capacities of teaching staff in Ecuador.
The EENTITLE project is focused on development and implementation of the macro level of policy reforms supported by the Ministry of education (represented by SENESCYT ) on evaluation and recognition of engineering educators and creation of new structures at Ecuadorian Higher Education Institutions – Capacity Development Centers. These will provide modern university services with a large menu of digital options: tools and methods for professionalization and professional development of academic staff, including international registration in professional educators’ Register and quality assurance processes for professional development programs available not only for the teaching staff of the project partner universities, but other Ecuadorian HEIs ensuring national wide coverage.

- Promote and reward excellence in teaching and skills development of engineering educators
- Monitor the state of the national system of teaching staff professional development and evaluation (including reference institutions requirements) in Ecuador
- Develop transparent institutional evidence-based system of evaluating teaching practice and pedagogical competence of engineering educators promoting and rewarding excellence
- Create or update pilot Capacity Development Centers at partner HEIs
- Promote cross-regional and international cooperation of the pilot Capacity Development Centers with similar centers responsible for engineering educators professional development and recognition
- Update existing professional development programs and create new ones following international framework quality assurance standards for professional development programs focused on engineering educators
- Develop guidelines and prepare professional development programs for international accreditation procedure
- Support engineering educators in preparation for individual professional registration (digital mode) to gain international recognition of skills and qualifications, including portfolio building and recommendations for further teaching and interpersonal competences development
- Determine requirements, select and train experts from partner countries organizations to make part of the Monitoring Committee for the peer evaluation within the International Professional Educator Register
- Develop national recommendations to introduce the reform of engineering educators’ assessment and international recognition system based on transparent evidence-based principles
- Stimulate the social recognition of high-quality engineering educators at national and international levels increasing the prestige of the profession
- Provide comprehensive project management through adequate coordination, control procedures, quality and risk management to ensure transparency, accountability and high quality of project results